Sartell Sapphires is open to Sartell area residents who pay taxes to the Sartell-St. Stephen school district or students eligible to attend Sartell schools. We are located at Riverview Intermediate School 627 3rd Ave N, Sartell, MN 56377.

Tryouts/Team Alignment:

  1. Tryouts are typically held in the spring and fall based on coach’s discretion. Openings will be filled based on ability level and space availability within the program. People may place their names on a waiting list.
  2. Current Sapphire teams may be realigned in the spring and fall. Placement of gymnasts on which team will be determined and set by September 1st of each year. Per MAGA policy, coaches reserve the right to make changes to any team at their discretion up until January 1st or the first meet of the season.
  3. High school seniors planning on attending post-secondary education are eligible to apply for MAGA scholarships.

During tryouts we are looking for:

  1. Flexibility
  2. Strength
  3. Timing
  4. Current Ability Level
  5. Attentiveness
  6. Fear Factor
  7. Desire

After tryouts, we will contact you via email to inform you if your athlete is or is not accepted to the Sapphire program.


  1. Typically, practice schedules are provided via email and posted on our website.
  2. You are required to sign up for a GoMotion account and to place a card on file.
  3. You are required to maintain an active GoMotion account and sign all waivers upon registration and yearly going forth.
  4. You may  Download the GoMotion App.
  5. Tuition is $8/ hour.
  1. Tuition is due on the first of each month. Any payments received on the 10th of the month or later will incur a $10 late fee. Your gymnast will not be able to practice or compete if you have an invoice more than 30 days overdue.
  2. We do not accept cash or checks. Do not bring them to the gym. All financial transactions must be made via your online account.
  3. You will be charged a $65 registration fee upon joining and then yearly in June. This helps cover insurance for your gymnast.
  4. Each year in May, we host an end of the year banquet. The cost is $15 per family. This cost helps cover food, materials, facility, and coach’s gifts.
  5. How to add your preferred method of payment:

Parent Steps To View Account/Enter Payment Method: Log In > click My Account > click Classes Billing Summary > here you will see your Family Ledger. You can also click on the Payment Setup tab, fourth from the left > click the "Add Credit Card" button > enter your payment method information, select your preferences > and click the green, "Add Card" button! 

                       *Getting stuck on this step? Check out this article for some help! 

          You can view your account and simulate upcoming bills.

Parent Steps To View Account & Simulate Upcoming Billing: Log In > click My Account > click Classes Billing Summary > here you will see your Family Ledger. This will show you all the financial details for your account. You can also click the Simulate Billing button on the top right to see what charges/payments are upcoming - use the date filter and be sure to click the Start Simulation button.

Discontinued Participation:

A two-week written notice is required to be given to the head coach and treasurer via email, [email protected], if a gymnast wishes to discontinues the Sapphires program. If a two-week notice is not given, then two weeks tuition will be charged until notice is received. If a gymnast chooses to "take a break" from Sapphires, she will be considered terminated unless tuition is paid through the entire break. If the gymnast wishes to return to the Sapphire program, she will be re-evaluated for skill level and placed appropriately based on space availability in the program. Medical conditions and family vacation are exceptions to this policy as long as coaches are informed and required tuition is paid.

Competition Information:

  1. 1.  If a gymnast’s skill level is ready for the competition team, she may choose not to compete for that season, but may still practice with that team. Competition is a choice when it has been offered.
  2. 2.  As a general rule, competitive gymnasts should attend at least 75% of all practices during the competitive season (November- March).
  3. 3.  Competitive gymnasts are expected to attend all but one competition during the competitive season. Preferably, gymnasts will attend all meets and performances. It is essential for gymnasts to be involved and attend all competitions as one of our primary goals is learning the value of teamwork.
  4. 4.  Competitive gymnasts are expected to be at all practices prior to meets.
  5. 5.  Only coaches and competitive gymnasts are allowed on the competition floor.
  6. 6.  Competitive gymnasts and families will receive detailed competition information prior to each scheduled meet.
  7. 7.  Gymnasts and families are expected to follow the rules of etiquette provided for competition.
  8. 8. Gymnast participating in competitions will be expected to pay competition fees in excess of regular tuition costs. A competition budget is provided for each competition season.


A gymnast who is injured is required to pay a minimum of 50% tuition until the gymnast is able to participate again. In order to receive 50% tuition, a doctor’s note is required and a coach needs to be notified within 24 hours of the injury. The gymnast will have to pay full tuition when she returns to practice on at least one piece of equipment. Example: sprained ankle = should not tumble but can-do bars. It is recommended, subject to parent(s) discretion, all injured gymnasts still attend practice to maintain strength, flexibility and team involvement. If an injury requires a doctor’s visit, the gymnast must present coaches with a return to practice form from the attending doctor. This includes same day visits.

Angel Fund:

Our Angel Fund program may be able to help you with your tuition rates. To apply, please request an application from the treasurer. If you qualify, your tuition rate will be reduced by 30%. Supporting income documents are required.

Open Gym: Open gyms are open to prep and completion teams. The cost for open gym is $3/ hour.

Dress Code:

Sapphire gymnasts are required to wear a leotard to all practices with either bike shorts on top or gymnastics briefs underneath. Hair must be pulled back and up away from face. Please use clips if needed and also pull all hair into holders. Please do not leave hair half down.

Team Leo and Shorts:

Each gymnast is required to purchase a team Leo and shorts each year. Typically, our Apparel Coordinator sizes at the end of August/beginning of September for our next order. Payment will be due at the time of fitting. 

Volunteer Requirements:

Sartell Sapphire Gymnastics operates successfully because of our volunteers. In order to provide a quality program and to create a positive experience for our gymnasts, it is critical that all registered families share in the commitment to the success of our association by volunteering and participating according to the volunteer policy outlined below. Our volunteer policy is in effect from June 1st through May 31th each year. 

  • By acknowledgement in online registration, you confirm that you are aware of our volunteer policy.
  • Each family is required to complete 10 hours per year.
  • Any hours not completed by 5/31 each year will be invoiced to the family at $30 per hour and automatically withdrawn from your account on 6/1 each year. You will be required to pay this invoiced amount or your child can not participate until it is paid in full.
  • Volunteer hours can be earned by any family member in the gymnast’s family as long as the family member is 16 or older.
  • You will be credited for actual hours worked. When registering for a job, the outlined times are an estimate. You will be required to sign in and out from each volunteer event.
  • If you so kindly choose to work over the required hours, additional hours worked will not be rolled over to the next year.

Mandatory Fundraiser:

Each year we have one mandatory fundraiser that takes place in the fall. Our Raffle Coordinator will send out details near the beginning of fall.


Please join our Sartell Sapphire Family Group Facebook page by typing Sartell Sapphire Family Group in the search bar.


We love our volunteers and could not do it without them! If you are interested in volunteer opportunities, assisting with a specific project you feel passionate about, or serving on the board, please email [email protected] for additional information.

Rules of the Gym

  1. All gymnasts and parents need to sign the Sapphire Code of Conduct to be able to participate in the program.
  2. Gymnasts are expected to be at practice on time. The warm-up/stretching period is critical to their safety.
  3. Gymnasts are expected to be respectful, polite and show good manners at all times in the gym.
  4. Challenge yourself! Use self-discipline!
  5. Set Goals for yourself? short and long term.
  6. Be positive! No negativity in the gym!
  7. No Horseplay.
  8. No chewing gum, food or drinks in the gymnastics area.
  9. No working out without an appropriate, proper and thorough warm-up.
  10. No fighting of any kind.
  11. Check for proper matting before using any equipment.
  12. Never dismount off apparatus onto anything but landing mats or crash pads.
  13. Use common sense.
  14. Never dive head first or land on your head or neck on crash pads or landing mats.
  15. No one other than signed-in gymnasts are allowed on the equipment for any reason.
  16. Spotting is to be done by coaches only. No student or parent spotting of gymnasts.
  17. No destruction or vandalism of equipment will be tolerated. If you are caught vandalizing the gym or equipment, your parents and the police will be called.
  18. All trash goes immediately into trashcans.
  19. Shoes and clothing are to be left in the designated areas, not spread all over the gym. The gym does not accept responsibility for lost articles.
  20. Use of any electronics is prohibited during practice time. Keep all electronics out of the gym.
  21. No crossover practices are allowed. Sapphire gymnasts are not allowed to practice with another Sapphire team.

Sartell Sapphire Gymnasts Code of Conduct

Gymnasts must participate within these rules and the general class safety rules.

  • Gymnasts must respect all Sartell Sapphire Gymnastics? coaches and helpers by listening and paying attention to what they are being asked and expected to do. Gymnasts are encouraged to give suggestions and feedback to their coaches but not to argue.
  • Gymnasts must respect opponents in competition by praising and applauding all efforts and achievements.
  • Gymnasts must respect judges’ decisions in competition. Their coach will seek clarification of any questionable results.  
  • Gymnasts must respect team members by being kind to each other, taking turns fairly, helping each other and providing encouragement.  Gossiping or rumors will not be tolerated.
  • Bullying is never acceptable and will not be tolerated by the Sapphire program. 
  • Gymnasts must wear suitable clothing. Our dress code is bare feet, leotards, fitted shorts and T-shirts (no baggy clothing).  Hair needs to be tied back wherever possible and all jewelry removed.
  • When stated by a coach, leotard only practices (without fitted shorts) are required and mandatory for all competition teams during competition season.  
  • Gymnasts are required to take care of all the equipment and only use it as instructed by the coaches. Gymnasts must never use equipment when they are unsupervised by a coach.
  • Gymnasts must focus and concentrate on what they are doing when performing a skill in order to keep themselves safe.  
  • Gymnasts must make sure that the Head Coach has been informed of any existing injuries or illness they have before the warm up begins.  
  • Gymnasts must not eat any food or chew gum during training.
  • Gymnasts must not use any profanity, offensive or inappropriate language.
  • Gymnasts must not smoke, consume alcohol or take drugs for purposes other than medication during & immediately prior to training, competitions & events.
  • Gymnasts must remain with coaches at the end of a class until collected by their parent or guardian.

Sartell Sapphire Gymnast Disciplinary Policy
Sartell Sapphire Gymnastics recognizes the important role that young people play in our organization.  Every gymnast should be encouraged to realize that they also have responsibilities to treat others with fairness and respect and follow the Sapphire Gymnast Code of Conduct and Rules of the Gym. Consequences for violating the Code of Conduct/rules are listed below. All offenses will be documented by the coaches.

If at any time a gymnast violates the code of Code of Conduct or Rules of the Gym a coach has the discretion to have the gymnast sit out for the remainder of the practice.  

1st Offense:
Two coaches will meet (same day as the offense, if possible) with the gymnast privately stating the violation, expectation and improvement needed. The parent will be notified through a phone call or email.

2nd Offense:
A scheduled meeting with the parent(s), gymnast and two coaches and a possible board member to review the offense, expectation and improvement needed and develop a plan. The gymnast is not allowed to practice until the meeting is held.  

3rd Offense:
Gymnast is suspended immediately (the Coach will contact the parent immediately to pick up the gymnast) from 3 practices or one week, whichever is greater which may or may not include a meet during competition season.  

4th Offense:
Gymnast is expelled from the program. Future re-admittance to the program based on management/board discretion.